I had the MOST scary morning of my life!!! Tajia woke up at 6:30 am, which is WAY early for her, so I just put her in bed with me. I dosed off and then all the suddon woke up cause I smelt smoke! At first I just thought some neighbors were burning something, so I opened my bedroom door and went to walk into the hall way, and the whole house was filled with smoke! (Not black smoke, it was like when you cook bacon, its just kind of a haze look, but definatly smoke) I FREAKED OUT! I jerked both of my kids out of bed and ran out side (i was home alone with my two kids which was even more scary) We get out side, and I walked around the house, no sign of a fire. So I peeked my head in the door and new that there wasnt a full flame fire, or else the smoke would have been a lot worse. So I went back in (I know call me crazy) and walked around, couldnt find anything! still stunk and was still smoky! I had my cousin come over and watch my kids while I was trying to find out what was wrong. After searching for EVER, i finally found out that my parents AC unit broke in the middle of the night, it was trying to make it work and it wouldnt so it started to smoke. It was a good thing I shut the brakers off to the power, cause the fire cheif said it would have been an electrical fire! SCARY!! the feeling of being by your self in a house thats on fire with two kids your responsible for to be save, was the most awfull feeling ive ever felt! Im glad that i was able to smell the smoke enough to wake me up and do something about it!!